Xavier Basketball Practice Drills by Mark Chapman

Quick Hitters Plays by Mark Chapman

Written by Coach Peterman

I have coached at the NCAA Division 2 (Southwestern Oklahoma State University), NAIA (USAO), and JUCO Levels (Blinn College and Carl Albert State College) as well as high school. I just felt that fellow coaches especially young coaches need to constantly work on their “game”. Just like the basketball players that we coach. We as coaches need to improve ourselves. That is my story and why I do this blog.

July 13, 2014

Xavier Basketball Practice Drills by Mark Chapman

Two-Athlete Offensive Drills  |  Basketball Practice Drills

Part 1
The following basketball practice drills were shared through the Xavier email news letter. Coach Mack does a great job of sharing what they do and some of their best basketball practice drills.

1) Pairs Shooting | Basketball Practice Drills
-Start one player on the perimeter and the other under the basket with the ball, you can vary the distance
-The person with the ball passes to the other person who must be in a stance ready to catch the ball and shoot; passer will closeout to defend against the shooter.
-Person catching the pass shoots the ball and follows their shot; if they miss, they must rebound the ball and score a layup before continuing the drill; if they make the shot, they retrieve the ball and pass to their partner who will then become the shooter
-We use eight spots for the drill: junction extended, foul line extended, deep corner and short corner on both sides.

2) Circle Drill | Basketball Practice Drills
-Start with one person near the basket in the key with the ball and the other person in an outlet spot near the foul line extended.
-Throw the ball off the backboard, rebound the ball and make an outlet pass
-The person in the outlet line curls to receive the pass and then will dribble downcourt to attack the foul line where they will come to a jumpstop and make a bounce pass
-The person who makes the outlet pass will follow downcourt wide toward the sideline before she will cut in near the foul-line extended for a pass to a layin.
-Passer rebounds the ball and repeat the drill coming back the other direction
-Add a defender later to work on the decision-making process of the passer.

3) Shooting Sprints | Basketball Practice Drills
-You have a shooter and a rebounder / passer
-The shooter starts in the corner and must spring to the elbow, catch a pass and shoot
-They repeat the same cut/shot twice and then they run to foul line extended at the sideline to the elbow twice and then to the center line area and back to the elbow twice before crossing the court and repeating the same spots on the other side.
-Shooter takes 12 shots in one minute; can challenge the shooter by setting a target for the number of shots they must make in the one minute.

We have a new basketball coaching contributor in Mark Chapman who is the Head Boy’s Basketball Coach at Hamilton Township High School in Columbus, Ohio. Coach Mark Chapman always has great basketball plays and basketball coaching clinic notes to share with the basketball coaching world. Make sure that you check out his basketball X’s and O’s material.

basketball practice drills

Follow Coach Mark Chapman on Twitter!!!

Click on the pdf link to download the basketball drills:

Xavier Basketball Practice Drills by Mark Chapman

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