Win the 50 / 50 Balls by Craig Shorey

best player

Written by Coach Peterman

I have coached at the NCAA Division 2 (Southwestern Oklahoma State University), NAIA (USAO), and JUCO Levels (Blinn College and Carl Albert State College) as well as high school. I just felt that fellow coaches especially young coaches need to constantly work on their “game”. Just like the basketball players that we coach. We as coaches need to improve ourselves. That is my story and why I do this blog.

December 29, 2014

Win the 50-50 Balls by Craig Shorey

A lot of coaches preach “we have to win the 50/50 balls” and I too am one of those ministers. Most of the time the team that wins the 50-50 balls battle does win the game or at the least it certainly gives that team extra possessions. The question for many players is “how do I do that?”

First, we have to be aggressive. During scrimmages in practice do not call fouls, unless it is a really obvious one. I have discovered that it is easier for players during a game to become less of aggressive because of fouls than it is to become more aggressive than the way they practice. As a coach I have to understand that in pursuit of 50/50 balls we are going to get a few fouls because of that. I accept that fact because we want those lose balls. Reward hustle and effort on defense and do not play your offensive out during practice with foul calls that may not come during a game.

If for some reason you players become too foul happy because you don’t call fouls; I highly recommend bringing in someone into practice to call fouls during scrimmage. If that is not possible pick one coach to call the fouls. I highly recommend not doing this unless fouls become a major issue. If you train your players to get a certain call during practice and they don’t get it during the game it will decrease their productivity during games.

Emphasis the importance of two-hand passes and two-hand catches and under emphasize the bounce pass. Of course there are times when the one handed bounce pass to the post is required and it should be practiced but do not dwell on it or get excited about it. The bounce pass has become the most incorrectly used pass in basketball. If the ball can be passed with two hands and then caught with two hands around the shooting pocket or the chest you decrease the number of 50/50 balls you give up and increase shot speed.

Count every rebound as a 50/50 ball. A rebound is going to happen after nearly every missed shot but boxing out is learned behavior. During practice get excited about good boxing out and position, especially on the offense boards.

Grab the loose ball with two hands before you begin to dribble. For whatever reason players at all levels seem to want to dribble a loose ball before they have control of it and this can be costly. While they are attempting to dribble the other team swoops in and steals it. During practice whenever this happens, stop and explain to the player that if they would grab it with two hands and place it under their chin they will keep the ball nearly every time. The other point “grab with two hands” must be stressed in all drills. Ask players “why are you jumping up with one hand?” they will often say that they are trying to tip it to a teammate. That doesn’t work when compared to grabbing with two hands because they have to win the tip and the pass to their intended target.

The key points are:
1. Be aggressive
2. Use two-handed passes and catches
3. Count rebounds as 50/50 balls
4. Get control of ball with two hands before dribbling or passing.

Craig Shorey Bio:
Maricopa, Arizona
Graduated form Western Governors University and is currently pursuing a Masters from Grand Canyon University.
Coaching Experience: Craig is in his 6th season combined at the Middle School, and High School level. He also coached for the Phoenix Suns Basketball Summer Camp program. He has two middle school championships with one undefeated season.
Work: Currently he is teaching U.S. History at a middle school in Maricopa, Arizona. He was also his districts Coach of the Year for the 2013-2014 school year.
Favorite Quote: “Do not let what you cannot do get in the way of what you can do.” John Wooden

50/50 Balls

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Win the 50/50 Balls by Craig Shorey

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