4 Player workout, part 3: transition drills and defense

Written by Coach Peterman

I have coached at the NCAA Division 2 (Southwestern Oklahoma State University), NAIA (USAO), and JUCO Levels (Blinn College and Carl Albert State College) as well as high school. I just felt that fellow coaches especially young coaches need to constantly work on their “game”. Just like the basketball players that we coach. We as coaches need to improve ourselves. That is my story and why I do this blog.

October 12, 2016

4 Player workout, part 3: transition drills and defense by Nathan Hill

This workout packet contains 9 pages of transition drills designed for skill development and defense and transition breakdown for your system. I have written down our team’s favorite drills that we use in season and in the offseason. I use these drills and this packet all season long when we plan our practices. I like to keep our practices from being repetitive, and keep things fresh. I also do not want to throw a new drill at them each day, and waste time explaining the drill. We will use the same basic principles of what we want to teach, and then maybe change the drill. We can also introduce the drill in small groups and then introduce to the entire team.

transition drills

We will use a majority of these drills at the high school level, but they can be adapted to a 10 and under setting or any skill level. I also teach my son’s 9 under basketball team, and we stress many 1 v 0 drills and 2 v 2 drills in our practices. We want to have proper fundamentals first, and get plenty of repetitions improving the skills.

I have listed some of our favorite small group defense and transition drills. With 4 players, defense and transition drills have to be creative. We pride ourselves with our defense, and it starts with individual defensive fundamentals. We teach defending screens with our series of drills. The transition drills listed also are good offensive drills that help build skills in transition. Our goal of our team in transition is to not give up layups and open shots. These drills help build upon our philosophy.

I feel the most important aspect of planning practices and using drills should fit your personnel, and program philosophy.

If you have any questions, feel free to email at njhill1976@gmail.com

Click on the pdf link to download the 4 Player workout, part 3: transition drills and defense:

4 Player workout, part 3: transition drills and defense

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