Spread-and-Go-Motion-Offense – New Drills by Kyle Pertuset
Hello fellow coaches, and current Spread-and-Go-Motion-Offense Coaches, I hope your pre-season preparation and installment of the offense, or even for you college coaches that your early season contests have been a success thus far, remember STAY PATIENT as with everything in life, it is most certainly a journey rather than a destination, and a incessant process. As you approach the season, one thing I always try to keep in mind is that my players and your players as well are in-fact human, which when combined with a steady constant routine of the same drills, challenges, and concepts in practice can result in a decrease of focus, effort, and even skill or basketball IQ development. This fact holds true, even in offensive breakdown drills. T
These are 2 new Spread-and-Go-Motion-Offense Drills, I have added this season with multiple options for variation which you can add to your drill library to improve your players understanding and justification for running the Spread-and-Go-Motion-Offense, or even if you are strictly and old fashioned open post or motion coach/team. An entire library of drills featuring the development and installment of all layers of the Spread-and-Go-Motion-Offense are of course available in the playbook section for purchase.
In Drill 1, Pass-Cut-Replace-Drive you will see multiple rules and aspects of the offense being drilled, while at the same time providing opportunities for offensive skill development within the Spread-and-Go-Motion-Offense or just about any offense as it contains simple “smart basketball” reactions to various stimuli that can take place in a half court setting. I like idea of adding myself or an assistant to this drill as it maximizes repetitions and keeps players who aren’t getting the ball from dogging it because maybe they “don’t see the point.” This also gets you active and involved with your players and can provide you with even more insight into the dynamic of your offense, mechanics within how your offense is ran by all of your players, and any small errors you may want to adjust such as how your players catch the ball, how your players finish after the catch, and different variations and ways to finish around the rim such as but not limited to “alternative finishes.”
In Drill 2, Pass-Cut-Replace-GoLine you will see once again multiple rules and aspects of the offense being drilled and acted upon, hopefully by now more instinctive rather than anticipative. As I have stated previously, anytime I can add myself or an assistant to the drill to increase effort and repetition I like to covet that opportunity, and this drill is certainly no different in that regard. In my opinion, with my experiences within the offense thus far since the original ideas, concepts, and time I spent at the “drawling board” so to speak, the “GoLine” is one of the more difficult things to drill, as players have a bad habit of wanting to just anticipate and perform the drill, rather than the “flow” that makes your offense, especially the Spread and Go click, this is yet another opportunity besides the standard “GoLine” drill that allows your players to learn to react to the defender rather than just “running the drill.” Remember, this offense is better executed by way of “marriage” rather than on occasion which means to maximize the positive effects you must drill often to increase productivity and player execution or understanding. Once again, I wish you all well and I hope these drills are a tool you can add to your practice library or your Spread-and-Go-Motion-Offense Drill Book that I hope most of you already own. Have a great season!
Click on the pdf link to download the Spread-and-Go-Motion-Offense– New Drills: Spread-and-Go-Motion-Offense– New Drills by Kyle Pertuset or find more motion offense basketball plays and drills.