Rising Coaches Elite Conference Notes 2015

2016 rising coaches elite conference

Written by Coach Peterman

I have coached at the NCAA Division 2 (Southwestern Oklahoma State University), NAIA (USAO), and JUCO Levels (Blinn College and Carl Albert State College) as well as high school. I just felt that fellow coaches especially young coaches need to constantly work on their “game”. Just like the basketball players that we coach. We as coaches need to improve ourselves. That is my story and why I do this blog.

June 12, 2016

Rising Coaches Elite Conference Notes 2015

The Rising Coaches Elite Conference is a a definite must attend for any young and aspiring basketball coach. I have had several of my contributors involved with Rising Coaches Elite since they founded their organization. The Rising Coaches Conference is the only conference that is geared to professional & personal development for the basketball coaching profession. The 2016 conference will take place on July 5-7 at Marian University in Indianapolis, IN. The cost of the conference is $125 which includes registration fee, the social events, and your meals during the conference. You can’t beat a deal like that. Current assistant coaches and NBA personnel have attended this conference as high school coaches, managers, graduate assistants, Director of Operations, and have learned the business in a way that no one else teaches it.

The Rising Coaches Conference is an opportunity for support staffers, young basketball coaches, and administrators to get out and

The conference is once again an opportunity for support staffers, young basketball coaches, and administrators to get out and network with their peers for 3 days in a relaxed setting, while learning the ins and outs of the business from some of the best coaches and administrators in the country. We advise ALL young coaches to attend.

rising coaches elite

This conference feature socials, speaker segments from some of the top head and assistant coaches in the country, networking opportunities, and a dinner. In addition to professional development and networking, the conference strives to work on personal development as well for these aspiring coaches.

Last year, speakers included coaches from Georgetown, VCU, Cal, Baylor, Minnesota, and the NBA.

Here are the past speakers at this conference:

Buzz Williams
Josh Pastner
Frank Martin
Jamie Dixon
Brad Brownell
Andy Enfield
Chris Mack
Larry Brown
Matt Painter
Bill Coen
Dave Rice
Rob Senderoff
Steve Lavin
Pat Skerry
Dana Ford
Matt McCall
Earl Grant
John Cooper
Kerry Keating
Kareem Richardson
Gary Parrish
Jeff Goodman
Cornell Mann
Jerrance Howard
Charlton Young
Chris Caputo
Stan Jones
Bob Cantu
Kevin Sutton
Rob Ehasn
Alvin Brooks
Dennis Gates
… and many more!

You can find more out about the Rising Coaches Elite by clicking this link!

Click on the pdf link to download the Rising Coaches Elite Conference Notes 2015:

Rising Coaches Elite Conference Notes 2015

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