Here’s something special: Coping with the huge demand for motion offense basketball plays is not that easy for a simple reason. Motion offense basketball has been really popular between basketball coaches from all over the world, there are several different approaches on it, and it’s not always that easy to filter those, find the best ones and give them to those who are looking for top-quality stuff on this specific offense.
Motion offense basketball plays and drills and why you need them
Freelance motion offense is tough and really time-consuming. That’s why I searched a lot to find and give you basketball coaching tips and guides to speed up the process of utilizing this kind of basketball to your team. That’s why I decided to share with you 13 guides on motion offense basketball philosophy that I have collected over the last ten years that I think will help your coaching acumen and increase your skill development in the area of the motion offense.
All of these 13 guides on the motion offense and how to teach it are free! And they are great, too!
So, here they are:
Jay Wright: Motion Offense Summary (7 pages)
Jay Wright’s Villanova Motion Offense (8 pages)
Bruce Weber Motion Offense (11 pages)
Larry Gipson Northeastern Oklahoma State University Motion Offense (55 pages)
Larry Gipson Northeastern Oklahoma State University Motion Offense – Individual Workouts (7 pages)
Dennis Felton University of Georgia Motion Offense Game Plan (12 Pages)
Steve Alford Breakdowns for Motion Offense (4 Pages)
Jay Wright How to teach motion offense (11 Pages)
Bob Bender University of Washington Motion Offense and others (13 Pages)
Rick Majerus Encyclopedia of Motion Offense (16 Pages)
Dave Paulsen Motion Offense for Beginners (5 pages)
Rick Majerus Encyclopedia of Motion Offense by Zak Boisvert (13 Pages)
Jay Wright How to teach Motion Offense system (13 Pages)
What’s Inside these guides and why you should check all of them
These 13 guides will be great to add to your coaching playbook. They will cover all the aspects related to the motion offense: how to build it, how to teach it to your players, motion offense basketball plays to implement during the game. All these are chosen with great care. If only you check the names of the coaches, you will find between them some of the brightest minds in basketball coaching. I recommend that you take a look at all 175 pages of content.
If you have enjoyed these coaching guides then you might want to look at our All-Access Guide / Library of Clinic Notes that we are releasing soon! This contains the best clinic notes that have been taken in the last ten years of basketball coaching clinics.
Take part in this. Join Us
Are you using motion offense in your team? What team do you coach? How are you teaching it to your players? Which version are you using, 3 out 2 in motion offense, 4 out 1 in motion offense, and 5 out motion offense? Which coach are you following?
Share your opinion in the Comments.
Coach Peterman
Ps: Remember to share this page with other basketball coaches you know. Ask them to contribute to Men’s Basketball Hoopscoop, and share their own notes, plays and drills! Let’s make this post the beginning of a new era for all of us. A new era where we will help each other by exchanging our experience and our best practices.