Mike DeVillibis Mini-Clinics

Written by Coach Peterman

I have coached at the NCAA Division 2 (Southwestern Oklahoma State University), NAIA (USAO), and JUCO Levels (Blinn College and Carl Albert State College) as well as high school. I just felt that fellow coaches especially young coaches need to constantly work on their “game”. Just like the basketball players that we coach. We as coaches need to improve ourselves. That is my story and why I do this blog.

November 19, 2014

Mike DeVillibis Mini-Clinics

Do drills and then immediately to 3 on 3 and 4 on 4. Mini-clinic #1- Triple threat, starts, stops,
Triple Threat
1. Head above mid-point
2. Permanent pivot foot
3. Head and eyes up/ knees bent
4. Work low to be quicker
5. Toe to instep stagger
6. Ball in shooting pocket
7. Ball protection
1. Direct drive/Cross over from triple threat
2. Long, low explosion step
3. Protect ball- Go right, dribble with right hand
4. Protect ball- Go left, dribble with left hand

Stops | Mike DeVillibis Mini-Clinics
1. 2 foot- 1 count quick stops
2. Both feet hit floor at the same time
3. Stop on balance- head above midpoint
4. When stopping on a pass to you- ball in air, feet in air

1. Front and rear turns
2. Stay low and at one level
3. Use permanent pivot foot
1. 4 line, no ball
2. 4 line with ball
3. 3 on 3 cut throat with pressure work up

Starts, stop, turns pressure work up rules | Mike DeVillibis Mini-Clinics
1. Must be in triple threat
2. Use permanent pivot foot
3. Squared up to the basket
4. Catch the ball with feet in the air
5. End dribble with 1-count jump stop

Rules of playing 3 on 3 cut throat
1. You score, you stay on
2. Get scored on, your team is off
3. Violate pressure work up rule (see above), your team is off
4. Must pick up loose ball with 2 hands
5. 2 dribble maximum
6. Do not check ball in, next team needs to be ready to go

**1st thing you need to teach kids is how to start and stop with the basketball** Catch the ball
with your feet in the air, it allows you to be balanced
Right-handed shooter, your left foot is your permanent pivot foot.

Shooting foot should be ahead of your pivot foot. Non-pivot foot moves first in a ball move.

Wrist cocked back in your shooting pocket

4 Lines Drill | Mike DeVillibis Mini-Clinics
Spin ball to yourself. Work on catching the ball with your feet in the air and your elbow under the
ball. You should be able to take away the off hand and the ball shouldn’t move.

After you get to triple threat, then direct drive. Triple threat then long, low explosion step on
the whistle. You should be able to get to the next line (Free throw line, center line, other free
throw line, end line) in 2 dribbles.
Your shooting foot should never go behind pivot foot. Jab step at the last line. Then front turn
at each line. So, on the whistle:
– Long, low drive, 2 dribbles, jump stop, 180 degree front pivot, 180 degree front pivot (Tell
them when to turn). Then do a rear turn
– Make sure they do all 4 lines

Then cut throat emphasizing previous stuff.
2 dribble max
Rip ball to shooting pocket, not over head. That is a turnover

Mini-Clinic #2- Live Ball Moves

1. Work from triple threat
2. Take a long, low explosion step
3. Go in a straight line. Attack the front foot
4. Cover some ground with your dribble

5. End your live ball move with a 1-count quick stop

Live ball moves:
1. Direct drive
2. Cross over
3. Jab and shot

Drills | Mike DeVillibis Mini-Clinics
1. 4-line drill
2. 1 on 1 with open passer. 2 dribble max
3. 3 on 3 cut throat with pressure work up

**Have them shoot only jump stop lay ups at the beginning of the year. They will probably have to
deal with help defense.**

We only do the 3 dribble moves listed above.

Your jab and shoot move must be believable. Put your head down like you are going to drive.

4 Lines (Free throw, center line, free throw, end line). Make move out to next line. Then turn,
pass to next kid in line, and then close out. Make your live ball moves off a jump stop.

Then 1 on 1 cut throat with an open passer. 2 dribble max. Giving up an offensive rebound means
you are automatically out.

Then 3 on 3 cut throat

Mini-clinic #3- More live ball moves

1. Make every cut a v-cut
2. Change of pace/ change of direction
3. Keep vision on the ball
4. Give early hand targets
5. Catch facing with a 1-count quick stop
6. “Run through the leather” i.e. shorten the pass
7. If overplayed, back cut or re screen- Don’t be a beggar.
8. Types of cuts:
a. Loops
b. Inside cut c. Flash cut
d. Replace cut

Drills | Mike DeVillibis Mini-Clinics

1. 1 on 1 with open passer
2. 3 on a side, no defense
3. 3 on 3 cut throat

Same pressure work ups as clinics 1 and 2. Always run through the leather. You can not pass to a
player standing still.

** When correcting a player, they should respond “rebound” and when they receive praise, they
should respond “ 2 points.”

Go slow into you move, then quick out. Do not go the same speed every time.

If V-cut doesn’t work, try an L-cut. Get inside foot between defender’s 2 feet and cut straight

Then run cut throat 1 on 1 with an open passer. Must make 3 different cuts before they can get the

Then 3 on 3 cut throat stressing the stuff we’ve talked about. Remember to run through leather,
don’t catch the ball standing still. Also, when running this 3 on 3 no post ups.

Mini-clinic #4- BEEF | Mike DeVillibis Mini-Clinics

1. Balance- Triple threat, knees bent, hand up, body ready before you catch the ball.
Catch facing the hoop
2. Eyes- on your target. Small target all the way through your shot.
3. Elbow- Keeps the ball straight up under the ball. Point at target shooting pocket.
4. Follow-through- Shoot up and over 60 degree arc, extended arm. Snap your wrist and hold until
ball goes through.

Drills-Shot progression
1. 25 ball slaps
2. 20 TV shots (see below)
3. 5 killers/ 3 spots (see below)
4. Square ups off pass (see below)
5. Square ups off dribble (see below)
6. pairs or alternate pairs (see below)
7. Alternating passes
8. Spots-record daily
9. 2-ball shooting- Perimeters
10. 2-ball shooting- posts
11. High/low cuts and shape-ups- post
12. Rapid fire

No additional work ups | Mike DeVillibis Mini-Clinics

** First shots every day should be in close
TV shots- Lay on back. Shoot straight up and hold follow through
5 killers/ 3 spots- “Perfects” 1-handed from each of 5 spots
Square ups off pass- Teaches them to square up on inside foot. Spin pass to yourself. Square up
off dribble- Same as above. 1, 2, or 3 dribbles.
Alternating pairs- 1 passer, 1 shooter. Make sure you jump stop at the end of the dribble so you
are a balanced shooter.

Go right to cut throat. Mini-Clinic #5- Passing

Passing Principles
1. Work from triple threat
2. Fake a pass, make a pass
3. Look for hand targets
4. Step when you pass to cut down time and distance
5. Work one side of the body- fake on the same side you are going to pass on
6. Be ball quick rather than ball slow
7. 1 or 2 fakes only
8. Vertical fakes
9. It’s only a good pass if it’s caught by the receiver in a position where they can do something
with it.
10. Pass the ball with your feet on the floor.

Receiving Principles
1. Hand targets
2. Block and tuck when you catch it
3. Catch the ball facing the basket
4. Run through the leather
5. Always acknowledge the scoring pass

Drills | Mike DeVillibis Mini-Clinics
1. 4 line drill
2. 4 on 3 passing with traps. (Don’t throw high out of a double team)
3. 2 on ‘ya

Pressure work ups- Passing and receiving

1. Same as clinics 1-3
2. In addition, if pass is deflected, your team is off
3. If no pass fake is made, your team is off.

Flick passes:
– pass from triple threat. Always locked and cocked. No flimsy wrists
– step with shooting foot
– Only 1 or 2 fakes
– Fake a pass, make a pass
– Step when you pass. It shortens the pass and puts more speed on the pass.

Don’t fake pass in the middle and then pass to the side, it give the defense too much time to

Play “Man in the middle”. Pass versus a stick defender and then close out on person passed to.
Then defender has hands up or down. Fake into the hands and pass opposite. Then live tell them to
read the defender’s hands.

“Triple threat, step, fake high, throw low” Call this with out the ball.
Make fakes and passes on the same side. Must be able to flick pass with either hand
“2 on ‘ya” will help develop weak hand. The drill begins with 2 people with 1 ball each facing
each other about 10 feet apart. On “Go” you make a flick pass to the other person. The goal of the
drill is to get your opponent to have both balls at the same time.

Then 4 on 3 passing. 4 people in a square in the paint. 3 defenders. At least 1 person must be
on the ball. The defenders move and try to get deflections.

Then move on to 3 on 3 cut throat.
It takes 1 week to get through these 5 Mike DeVillibis Mini-Clinics.

Click on the pdf link below to download the Mike DeVillibis Mini-Clinics:

Mike DeVillibis Mini-Clinics

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