Ganon Baker Basketball IQ Development Drills – Nike Clinic Notes by Matt Woodcock

Ganon Baker Basketball IQ Development Drills

Written by Coach Peterman

I have coached at the NCAA Division 2 (Southwestern Oklahoma State University), NAIA (USAO), and JUCO Levels (Blinn College and Carl Albert State College) as well as high school. I just felt that fellow coaches especially young coaches need to constantly work on their “game”. Just like the basketball players that we coach. We as coaches need to improve ourselves. That is my story and why I do this blog.

December 4, 2016

Ganon Baker Basketball IQ Development Drills – Nike Clinic Notes by Matt Woodcock

A HUGE THANK YOU to Coach Matt Woodcock from Baker University for the Ganon Baker Basketball IQ Development Drills – Nike Clinic Notes. He is a a great young coach that is coming up the ranks. He does a great job breaking down X’s and O’s. Follow him on Twitter!!

Click on this link to follow Coach Matt Woodcock

The Ganon Baker Basketball IQ Development Drills will combine skill development with decision making from these high intensity drills. These drills will help your team how to practice and reinforce proper decision making during skill development sessions. You will learn how to shake up your slasher’s game with four types of one foot floaters. They will also learn how to read a single defender’s hand to determine how to best attack them.

 Ganon Baker Basketball IQ Development Drills

The players that want to excel will be trained to make split second decisions. Coach Baker will provide the tools needed for your team to improve their decision making and basketball IQ. Coach Ganon Baker is one of the most innovative basketball skill development coaches in the world. Your team will learn how to challenge a player through an intense workout to focus and execute details and read the defense.

Coach Baker will talk about his core beliefs and discuss what is the biggest divider from one player to another is their ability to make decisions. The Ganon Baker Basketball IQ Development Drills will address this theory.

I love the concept of attacking the hand. He will talk about the four kinds of floaters and this drill will teach patience, control and explosiveness. Reading two defenders is another concept that will show ball control, explosion, and competitive elements that make it where your player must read the closeout and respond correctly.

Click on the pdf link to download the Ganon Baker Basketball IQ Development Drills – Nike Clinic Notes:

Ganon Baker Basketball IQ Development Drills – Nike Clinic


Click on the link below to check out this Great Skill Development Dvd!!!

Ganon Baker: Basketball IQ Development Drills – Basketball — Championship Productions, Inc.

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