Ball Handling Drills To Improve Your Training

Ball Handling Drills

Written by Coach Peterman

I have coached at the NCAA Division 2 (Southwestern Oklahoma State University), NAIA (USAO), and JUCO Levels (Blinn College and Carl Albert State College) as well as high school. I just felt that fellow coaches especially young coaches need to constantly work on their “game”. Just like the basketball players that we coach. We as coaches need to improve ourselves. That is my story and why I do this blog.

July 12, 2020

[Update: Ball Handling Drills Notes and Diagrams Added in the end of the article] Having trouble handling the ball inside the court is a serious problem. Every movement within a basketball game is focused on handling the ball. Basketball ball handling drills take several forms that will help you improve a lot.

Ball Handling Training

Ball handling problems are often severely affected by the coaches’ pressures. All training and ball mastery exercises must be recreational to overcome obstacles they may have. Competing with yourself is perhaps the result you should take into account to improve the handling of the ball when you practice.

A first step is a fact of asking yourself what the student’s flaws are and how you will reinforce them. Knowing what points you need to reinforce will help you identify the exercises you should practice to improve. Whenever you have a game in mind, you should be clear that basketball gives you new challenges every day.

If you take into account the challenges of the ball, these have to do with speed and hand eye coordination. Handling the ball and passing opponents can be a task not only of the hands but of foot movements. The style of your movements can lead you to get the ball to a friend of the team.

In some cases, it should be taken into account that having the ball and making a shot to score is necessary. Each basketball player has a good job to do to improve movements until victory. In this little guide, you will be able to know the most used exercises to improve the mastery of the ball during games.


How To Improve The Domain Of The Ball By Parts?

Whenever you plan to have a better domain of the ball, you should consider that each part is important. At present, basketball is one of the sports with the greatest fields for employment. Taking this initiative, those who teach these sports should do their job the best they can to teach.

You can start training a student who plans to improve their movements with ball control and foot movements. This will help students to significantly improve the way they work with the ball on the court. Mastering the way the ball is released either to pass the ball or throw is very important.

This whole process of mastering the ball must take into account the pot of the balls from different positions placed. However, other obstacles are opposed to this, such as the opposing team that plans to recover the ball to take advantage. All these aspects are evaluated when talking about the domain and dribbling of balls from various points of view.

Inspiring passion for students is one of the most difficult tasks that can be hard in practical training. This is because coaches often focus too much on the rules of the game, leaving fun. A game or exercise that does not have fun does not cause any joke if the student does not always feel motivated.

Even when it is only a ball domain, you should keep in mind that your body can do better. In this way, the student alone will have the initiative to learn to have control of his body. Balance, speed, and tactics have a lot to do with the way a good player moves.


Tips For Coaches Working In Youth Divisions Ball Handling Drills

It is not the same to work with adult students than with children or adolescents, so you must be careful. The enthusiastic way in which an adolescent player starts training can be affected by pressure, getting your students to have greater excellence without forcing too much has to do with dynamics.

The dynamics with which a coach begins to teach can improve the mastery of these on the ball. This is done following basic training exercises, and from there, you can place greater degrees of difficulty. Every time you put a workout following exercises, you get to work together to have control of the ball.

Make the workouts –especially the ball handling workouts– as light as possible to prevent students from receiving poorly developed concepts. No one can perform in a job that does not like the importance of having recreational games. Become a friend of your students to learn the reasons why they fail when training.

If he discovers that he lacks motivation, he manages to be interested in an important athlete and to follow his main objectives. Make your students understand that if you do hard workouts, it is for them to improve their endurance and skills. Give students the initiative to lead the training from time to time so that they feel the leading work.

You are not in the army; therefore, avoid becoming a bossy coach who does not understand individual needs. After following each of these behavioral tips, you can be prepared to follow domain improvement exercises. The ball can be better promoted if training is done where the skills are developed with fun games.


Basic Dribbling Drills That Improve Ball Mastery

Ball Handling Drills start from basic steps to excellence. You can start teaching your students how to practice using ball shots. In this way, ball handlers can start shaping the appropriate movements to throw the ball effectively.

Start teaching how to bend your knees to make throwing workouts with greater precision, taking into account movements. In addition to the knees, students should start using their hands to make the shots perfectly. All throws begin by bending the knee and stretching your elbows a little to make a safer spin.

Generally, the throws of balls are made with the fingertips, and that should be understood in full. If you notice that a student is doing it wrong, you should wisely guide him so that he understands how to throw. As each student has better shots, you can see that his ball handling also improves with him.

It’s important also to insist on training both his right and left hand. Dribbling the basketball with both hands, as well as with each hand separately is something you should not neglect.

The eyes are also part of the throwing of the ball, so you should consider it when training. Ask your students the positive possibilities they have when they manage to make their movements coordinate using their sight. The student who combines his sight with the position used in coordination is less likely to miss a shot.

The passes are also part of the maneuvers used in basketball games that help to dominate the ball. A court has certain parameters that every student must continue to use as normal movements to dominate the ball. Make the student individually consider how to move in a balanced way until making a more appropriate movement.

How To Make Threats And Simulations Improve Movements On The Court And The Domain Of The Ball Within It?

Without seeing the movements, any coach who knows the subject can make the ball movements better. The heights of the hands change depending on the position you have to receive or pass the ball quickly. Depending on each position, you can have the least on the chest or at the heights of the hip receiving.

From the offensive point of view, players can control the ball by removing them from the opposite hands. In this way, with the appropriate skills, you can achieve that the points made are for the team. Coaches can always make their students understand the proper way to face the player with the ball.

The position called triple threat is appropriate for ball handling drills that require improving the domain of the player’s ball. This is about the player with the ball bending his knees in a balanced way to prepare well. In this position, you can make shots, pass the ball, or pivot the ball easily to continue with it.

Each time players prepare to defend the ball, they must have a correct position to move calmly. If you have doubts about how to train your students, there are always videos that can help you gain more skills.

The training is both physical and behavioral, so that these give results when handling the ball correctly. When you notice that a student does not have the correct position, correct it immediately so that you can get a better result. On the other hand, as long as their students learn to move their feet as if they were going to box, they improve their domains.


Factors To Teach Plays That Can Help The Domain Of The Ball

Not always teaching players tricks is the least way to get good results. If you plan to have your students master the way to take the ball to the shot, you must teach them to play. This implies that every exercise you use must have a purpose that you can implement there.

Every challenge that the coach imparts on his team has to do with the way the ball moves. You will always have to make your group learn to move by defending the opponents’ ball if it stops. Each of the movements that are made around the ball is worth as you teach.

Try every time you do a mock game; it’s a simple way to forget the lengths of the court. As players begin to obtain better domains, they will adapt to the set of laws that exist. It is recommended that few plays per practice be made without exceeding five moves so as not to overload the player.

Forgetting the rules means that for a moment, you forget the rules of basketball games and concentrate. An arbitrator is in charge of enforcing the laws; you have to think about how to improve joint skills. All these values ​​or factors have to do positively in the development of the skills of a team.

In all aspects, when you do the movements of the feet and explain the skills, the students will have more initiative. Let one of the students participate in a plan that he considers good for everyone and assess his potential. Although the plan is wrong, never give the idea complete refusal but try to shape it better.


Continuous Improvement Ball Handling Drills

1. Applying defense from Man to Man

This is one way that the coach can use to achieve better results within his team. This generally focuses on the team, helping each other in the most critical situations by recovering balls. This defense implements the opportunities for the team to take care of their backs in matches.

In many ways, this defense mechanism can be given; therefore, the forms must be used for results.

2. Strengthen Defenses

In this step, everything is that the coach renews the possible ways to strengthen defenses. In this case, each player will plan in a balanced way how to make the defenses better. If the opposing team carries the ball, the idea is that the players defend the court to avoid more points.

In the same way, depending on the form of defense, the ball can be recovered by being the one who has opportunities again.


Simple Sessions To Train The Players

Leave group tactics behind until each player learns the importance of having better ball handling drills. This way, when you do Ball Handling Drills, everything will be easy. Each time the coach sets individual goals, he can work with the weaknesses of each player inside.

1. The Objective Of The Boat Technique

It is done with warm-up exercises that make the students throw the ball. This technique is about handling the ball in motion which benefits the entire general team. He leaves with his left foot and makes the boat using his right hand, trying to make a pass.

Generally, when this technique is observed, players realize that the ball is not looked at during the pot. It is essential that if you leave on the left side, the boat is made with the right hand and vice versa. You can also make a zigzag boat using the hand changes, and also the foot turns.

Evaluate which is the weakest hand of your student so that you teach how to bounce with that hand too. In this same goal, you can raise the free throws to assess the pressure of the player towards the basket placed. You have to let the players practice these exercises until you have an adequate precision of the movements made.

2. Pass Technique and Individual Tactics

It is about making the players receive the ball with a two-time stop, and then the pass is made. This pass corresponds to using a hand to do it without tripping. The body must be in total balance when the ball is being passed so that the passes go very well.

You can also pivot frontally in this tactical target class or make rear pass movement. In this case, the elbow ball is protected using the shoulder to pass the ball over it. It is recommended that each of the passes, in this case, be made straight and that they are strong.

3. Counterattack techniques and other fundamentals

This is a group exercise where at least five players are used using two against and two in favor. Someone who annoys the ball pin is used and tries to pass it. Once this episode is done, players who do not have a ball must be in front of it to be able to take it off.

While other exercises teach you how to drop the ball towards the basket in this, you learn to defend it better. When the player has the ball, he must try to make turns to avoid being taken away by the opponents placed. It’s all about the attacker getting the ball, or the one who carries it can evade it.

4. Defensive Fundamental Tactics

In these exercises, everything is related to the attacker who tries to make a boat trip. All the defender must do is prepare not to let the ball be taken from him. The player has a short distance from the attacker; However, stay alert to avoid losing the ball and defend it.

When defense tactics are made, the players in favor are maintained to maintain defense for the other players. This lies in not letting the attackers approach in a group or in some cases, not letting them arrive. This tactic is very important when it comes to having a game that you want to win by making closer shots.

5. Blocking tactics

When the player is going to be blocked, he must direct the defense towards the block. In order for the block to be counter the player is receiving the block changes direction. This allows him to continue dominating the ball to continue.

Who takes care of the ball does not stop at any time to see it to make sure to make movements to avoid blockages. This exercise is undoubtedly one of the best to have a better command of the ball on the court.


When doing Ball Handling drills, the idea is to learn them. All coaches should use the training based on tactics for each of the situations that exist. Seek that each of the ball defenses is based on a move to evade correctly taking advantage.

All defenses can focus on having a better individual domino and combine it with group ball pass.

20 Things You Need To Know To Be A Great Ball Handler

An article on 20 things that a basketball coach should teach his ball handlers.

Drills for Handling Pressure by Jim Ponchak

Click on the pdf link to download a set of drills for handling pressure:

Drills for Handling Pressure | Basketball Drills | Jim Ponchak

Combination Ball handling / Shooting Drills for Guards by Wes Kosel

An article on Combination Ball Handling Drills and Shooting drills for guards by professional coach Wes Kosel:

Combination Ball handling / Shooting Drills for Guards

Ball Handling Drills | TJ Jones

Coach TJ Jones will be one of our basketball skill development specialists.  He does a great job and I think that you will like his Ball Handling Drills.

Owner of Nothing But Net Basketball with 7 years of skill development experience. Coach TJ has experience working with players of all skill levels over the years. He has done skill development for players with little experience to players in high school, college, and on professional level.

Follow Coach TJ Jones on Twitter!!!

Click on the pdf link to download the basketball drills for your basketball playbooks:

Basketball Training Tips | Youth Basketball Drills | Ball Handling Drills | TJ Jones

Basketball Drills for Guards | Perimeter Ball Handling drills | Tj Jones

Basketball Drills are designed to improve you as a basketball player and we have some great basketball training tips today.  We have 4 dribble layups, corner dribbling, box changes, dan hurley full court drill, NBA attack drives, and many more.  These basketball training tips are designed to strengthen  your ball handling skills while you are doing the basketball drills.

Follow Coach TJ Jones on Twitter!!!

Click on the pdf link to download the youth basketball drills for your basketball playbook:

Basketball Coaching | Basketball Drills for Guards | Perimeter Ball Handling drills | Tj Jones

Learn Basketball Training Tips from OneBasketball | 5 Game Relevant Ball Handling Drills | Tammer Farid

Tammer Farid is currently an Assistant Coach at Baruch College in New York City. He is the Co-Founder of OneBasketball, a new basketball player development company based out of the New York City area. He is also the creator of the OneBasketball App, a basketball skill development program for the iPhone and iPad.

Follow Coach Farid and OneBasketball on Twitter!!

Click on the pdf link to download the basketball drills for your basketball playbook:

Basketball Drills | Learn Basketball Training Tips from OneBasketball | 5 Game Relevant Ball Handling Drills | Tammer Farid

Youth Basketball Drills| Ball Handling Series |Tim Springer

Tim Springer is one of our Men’s Basketball HoopScoop Contributors.  His speciality is Skill Development.

Today, we have Ball Handling Series that will help to develop your ball handling by doing a Pound Drill Ball Handling Series and Change of Direction Ball Handling Series.


Follow Coach Springer on Twitter!

Click on the pdf link to download the basketball drills for your basketball playbooks:

Youth Basketball Drills| Ball Handling Series | Basketball Training Tips |Tim Springer

Learn Basketball Training Tips to improve your ball handling | Spartan Team Skills Workout | Tim Springer

Today, we have a  Team Skills Workout that will help your ball handling, your reaction time, and layups by Skill Development coach Tim Springer.

Click on the pdf link to download the basketball drills for your basketball playbook:

Basketball Drills | Learn Basketball Training Tips to improve your ball handling | Spartan Team Skills Workout | Tim Springer

Spartan Ball Handling Drills that can be adapted for any level by Tim Springer

Today’s basketball drills are on Ball Handling.  This is a pretty simple workout but I like it because it can be adapted to all ages. I just did it with variations for every level from 2/3 grade – high school.

Click on the pdf link to download the basketball drills for your basketball playbooks:

Spartan Ball Handling Drills that can be adapted for any level by Tim Springer

Pro Basketball Fundamental Ball Handling Workout by Tim Springer

It’s a fundamental workout I have Danielle Robinson do while she is over seas to keep her ball handling sharp until she comes back and we can work more. The WNBA Star workout will keep your guards sharp on their ball handling. It’s a great workout that you can use in your basketball program.

Through dedication to his players and a commitment to hard work, Coach Springer has developed into one of the most sought after skill development coaches in Texas.
Passion is a understatement to the dedication he has to the game of basketball. More than anything he wants to see all players win on and off the court.

Click on the pdf link to download the Pro Basketball Fundamental Ball Handling Workout:

Pro Basketball Fundamental Ball Handling Workout by Tim Springer

Driveway Ball-Handling

Driveway Ball Handling Basketball Drills by professional coach Chris Filios.

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