30 Basketball Dribbling Drills – For Coaches & Players

Written by Coach Peterman

I have coached at the NCAA Division 2 (Southwestern Oklahoma State University), NAIA (USAO), and JUCO Levels (Blinn College and Carl Albert State College) as well as high school. I just felt that fellow coaches especially young coaches need to constantly work on their “game”. Just like the basketball players that we coach. We as coaches need to improve ourselves. That is my story and why I do this blog.

June 1, 2020

Both basketball players and coaches need to have a workout exercise plan that allows them to improve. You should evaluate which of the exercises you count the most to do so that you emphasize practicing them much more. The concentration you put into the training will allow you to have a better result in the game when they need you.

Depending on your skills in the game, you can take advantage of moments of rest to practice your weaknesses at home. Whether you become the best player is up to you because you can perfect yourself to be better. Dribbling drills for basketball coaches play an important role if you are a visionary player.

Forget about tactics until you’ve got the last of your students to master their techniques perfectly. The quality of a game depends on how each player plays an important part in highlighting the team. Demand more resistance and commitment as a player if you want to achieve goals that are forceful when it comes to playing.

Before entering the exercises, you have to be committed to completing the exercises until you have perfected them. The exercise teaching process begins with doing simple tasks and applying a greater degree of difficulty. Attacks and defenses should be trained in parallel in small spaces and then in spaces that are wide.

When you vary the space and the time you achieve that the speed between defense and attack improves giving game advantages. Basketball requires not forgetting three approaches to the exercises that will be defined throughout the article.



  • Exercises For Handling The Ball That Will Help Improve Your Performance On The Court.

Within these exercises, you must subdivide those that are done with the static ball and those that do the movement. The differences between both exercises will help you when it is time to use them in a game against opponents. Dribbling drills for basketball coaches are ideal for completely mastering your movements.

Handling the ball is essential if you want to become a level player, so you must practice. Dribbling drills are those used to make dripping more accurate. These exercises involve warming up by doing the following:

  • Do stationary exercises dribbling; with this, you move your arms with slow speed and then at a higher speed.
  • The ideal height for you to make the drips is to place yourself around the waist doing the two drip steps.
  • Bouncing the ball around the body, this gives you more control of the ball, getting better and better.
  • You can also do a drip practice that is around one leg, processing approximately eight drips.

The most used exercises for balancing the ball are:

  • Basketball drip drill doing a three-rebound crossover.
  • Back Rhythm exercises behind the back
  • Dribble exercises.

Ideally, you have a ball in good condition to make your workouts worth doing correctly. The most used exercises for handling the ball that you can use to improve your practices are the following:

  • Exercises For Handling The Ball In Motion.

You can do these exercises for about ten minutes so that your body gets a little warm-up to avoid injury. During this time, you can dribble the ball, trying to keep your balance while running and dribbling the ball evenly. You must use both hands to achieve a balance between the hands and also in the movements of the feet.

  • Drill Techniques Drills.

These exercises are very important to learn how to handle the ball and release it correctly. With this, you develop the exit with the left foot and make the boat with the right hand for greater ease if you can only make an imaginary partner to make the boat easier and more accurate.

Depending on the type of player you are on the court, you must make the boats resemble your movements. The bounce is made without looking at the ball, and you must get moving with both hands as you travel the course.



  • Exercises To Improve Individual And Group Pass Technique.

In this exercise, you make the ball in motion the main focus for you to develop greater playing ability. The concept of these exercises is that you can receive the ball or pass it to a partner without forgetting the defenses. You can receive the ball by making a two-stroke stop and then pass it using one hand without hesitation.

You must manage the balance of the body, and in the case of being a coach, you must make your players do it. If you make a front pivot, try to protect the ball using your elbow over your shoulder.

  • Exercises For Handling The Ball, Protecting It Even With The Attack.

In these exercises, you can do a rump tactic combining the movements of the ball with those around the court. Defending the ball is the goal of whoever carries it and also who is around the same team. These exercises consist of taking care of the enemy’s ball, completely dominating the shots and dribbles when it is necessary to do so.

  • Stumble Exercises

This is a technique used to develop mastery of the ball, whether it is thrown or received. It allows your feet to begin to move with balance and make you move freely. You, as a player, must bounce the ball with the left hand and step of the right foot.

  • Ball Batting Exercises With More Balls On The Court.

You will develop a better efficiency with these exercises, achieving a balance between the original ball and the tennis ones. It consists of bouncing the ball with one hand while the other throws tennis balls at random. This allows you not to lose concentration on the ball, although they find distractions around you, giving movement efficiency.

These exercises allow the improvement of the drilling, improving the levels of individual handling. There are several steps that you can take advantage of in these exercises doing hesitation, reverse, change of movements, and other techniques.


  • Evasion Exercises For Players With The Ball In Motion.

These exercises can be done simulated or using three other players to form a line of defense by practicing the movements. The player begins to bounce the ball and manages to pass it to another person running towards the direction of the pass. This is an exercise that you practice in a group where the objective will be to run to where the basket is and throw.

  • Exercises To Chop The Ball With Both Hands.

In basketball, you must develop the movements of your hands and feet equally if you want to be a professional. In this exercise, you boot the ball with both hands once with each one and then run doing the same. In these exercises, you develop better handling of the ball, and you can combine it in evasion by placing someone to help you.

  • Boat Exercises While Standing Still.

These are static exercises where you develop your ball movement skills without using running. You can do it on the move and stop at times until you develop full control over your body and the ball.

  • Imitation Exercises

With the help of the coach, you can imitate their movements to help improve on the court. This leads you to bounce freely or coordinated as indicated by the coach achieving better movements.

Each of the exercises you do in basketball should be consistent so that you can combine them. The exercises of throwing the ball are essential for you to improve your levels of printers and hit the basket. You can do the shooting exercises as you prefer either individually or in combined passes allowing you to have better shots.


There are many combinations of shots that you, as a coach or player, can do; however, it is necessary to start with the basics. Dribbling drills for basketball coaches also take shots at the end, improving the player. In summary, the most common exercises you can do for shots are the following:

    • Exercises That Serve To Balance The Ball On The Court.

This exercise is done individually as each player should have a ball that allows him to make a more balanced shot. For exercises, you should use the hand that you dominate the most and try to also make movements, with the other hand, less effective. On the left leg, he makes the shot on the spot with the right hand and vice versa to improve balance.

You can get down and then go up and launch or jump laterally from left to right to make the shots right away. There are several movements that you practice in that aspect, managing to make movements until you throw forcefully into the basket.

  • Exercises To Learn The Shot After Bouncing.

In these exercises, you can use any boat exercise. Your objective should be to throw to the basket after that. In this exercise, you, as a coach or player, must set the shots and the distances of the basket managing to improve them. You can also feint to improve shots after making each pot in a group or also individually.

  • Exercises to make a shot after receiving a pass.

Passing is important to completing any game on the court. The exercises related to the shots must have the answer to do them after a pass from another player. This gives you a decision when it comes to being on the field of play, learning new strategies.

In these exercises, you manage to throw, measure distances, and use your fast skills when receiving and then shooting.

  • Exercises To Learn To Focus On The Shot Without Thinking Of Other Distractions

These drills can range from target shooting to setting a record after a pass. You can do these exercises using phantom players by calculating their movements and doing them when necessary. The shots by objectives are part of these exercises, scoring a point after each hit that is achieved, no matter how difficult the circumstances are.

Also, if you are the coach, you can do pairs shooting competition to stimulate the player.

  • Exercises to learn to shoot with pressure in the game.

These exercises can be done after an auto pass by simulating a defender of the basket to make the most tempting shot. It can also be placed with another player, and he has his hands close to hinder his movements when shooting. If he is a coach who likes his players to learn the best, put them to make the shot with defenders bothering.

  • Exercises To Make Group Shots.

Group exercises strengthen the team and also manage to study individual weaknesses. You, as a player in these exercises, have the power to receive, dribble, and shoot with a precision that allows you to hit. You can also make a shot in the race with a target or make shots with more than one ball on the court.

  • Exercises to learn how to make shots according to each circumstance.

There are close, mid, and long-distance shots that need different speeds. In shots, you must know when there is a free teammate to throw the ball to you if you are being attacked. Also, know when it is time to shoot the basket without waiting for anything else due to harassment from the opposing team.


  • Exercises To Learn To Shoot According To Each Situation Within The Game.

Basketball is a game of great agility when the results are against the players must plan the shots. Some shots are generated by moments of penetration within the opposing team, taking advantage of their carelessness to advance. Other shots correspond to low posts and by direct blocks managing to recover the ball for the team.

  • Exercises To Improve The Free Kick In The Game.

Free kick drills have certain standard rules that allow you to be guided as a player who does not have enough playing experience. No more than three free throws may be taken, and the individual goals must also be considered according to your needs.

  • Exercises To Learn How To Make Specific Shots.

In this case, it is about preparing to make shots when it is considered that you can lose control of the ball due to instabilities. Here the baselines and passes of other players are evaluated.

  • Defense Exercises, Blocking The Ball.

Defense and blocking exercises are indispensable for use in various situations within basketball games. Always being in a defensive position makes your skills improve remarkably, making your team benefit jointly. This is usually something difficult to learn since the players always want this with the ball without thinking about other areas.

Drills are a must to make basketball games achieve better results for the team. The most used exercises to defend and block the ball are the following:

  • Exercises Of Defensive Positions.
  • Rotation Exercises

The other exercises that you can use to improve your skills on the court are divided into these two types.

  • Shell Drill 4×4 In The Initial Phase.

This is an exercise that combines attackers and defenders, each having a position. You can see how the attackers let the ball pass so that the defense adjusts its corresponding positions.

  • Shell Drill 4×4 In The Intermediate Phases.

This type of exercise tries to reinforce your sense of defense by cutting the movements of other players. When the player goes to the bottom, the objective is to pass the cut progressively.

  • Shell Drill 4×4 In Phases 3

This exercise is consecutive with the previous one, and the objective is to penetrate and pass. The player must try to pass, and the defense must try to recover the ball before it continues its advances.

  • Shell Drill 4×4 In Phase 4

You, as a coach, must put a block and that each of your players adopts a defensive position. You can also rotate if necessary until you know which one is best for each role.

  • Shell Drill 4×4 On Arrival At The Target.

This is the transitional stage where the ball is recovered, although it is believed to have been lost, reaching the shot. These are defensive recovery exercises within the defensive field that help you improve.

  • Pesisdrill Exercises

This is done with a row of defenders combined with the attackers achieving the extension of the free-kick. You, as a coach, can occupy the defensive position frontally and have your players attack you.

  • Nolis Drill Exercises.

This is done in penetration situations and can be done with four players in total.

  • Activity And Communication Triangle Exercises.

Within these exercises, the player must adopt the basic defensive rules to be successful. The standards are.

  • Press the player who carries the ball.
  • Press to make the pass
  • Defend as appropriate, that is when he is against or in favor.
  • It is not possible to rotate from ball to ball.


  • Exercises With A Defender Behind.

The idea is that you, as a player, can make a recovery from behind, giving the advantage to your team.

Final Recommendations

  • For The Player.

You, as a player, must improve the exercises making your own goals so that it is feasible to achieve good objectives. There are thousands of ways to make each part of the game dominate, so you must have greater discipline. You experience your conditions and reinforce in a group to achieve team harmony.

  • The Coach.

Plan your dribbling drills for basketball coaches by avoiding pressing too hard. Doing basic exercises should be your goals and implementing harder ones. Achieving the respect of your students is possible when reinforcing teamwork in each training.


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