Coaching by Del Harris Part 2

Quick Hitters Plays by Mark Chapman

Written by Coach Peterman

I have coached at the NCAA Division 2 (Southwestern Oklahoma State University), NAIA (USAO), and JUCO Levels (Blinn College and Carl Albert State College) as well as high school. I just felt that fellow coaches especially young coaches need to constantly work on their “game”. Just like the basketball players that we coach. We as coaches need to improve ourselves. That is my story and why I do this blog.

January 23, 2014

Coaching by Del Harris Part 2

Part 2 – THE TEAM | Coaching by Del Harris
In this section Coach Harris addresses the Team and what aspects affect them. He talks about how you as the coach can set the table for maximizing success among your players and get the most out of each one on a daily basis. I’ve heard many times that players take on the personality of their coach.

This may be true in some cases but Coach Harris sees things a little different. His thought is “Your team will reflect what you emphasize”. He has provided a small list of things that you may want your team to be known for but also states that you can’t emphasize them all. Pick a few that you are really passionate about and make sure those are perfected.
– Defense
– Rebounding
-Unselfish play, Team Unity, Team attitude
– Running game
– Half court game
– Pressing team, running team
– Physical team
– 3pt team
– Zone team
– Ball and player movement team, etc.

Communication with your players is also an important aspect that coaches should think through as they approach the season and even as the season progresses. He suggested there were five levels of communication and thought they should be used in progression (and less as the relationship develops) until you have reached the fifth level. Here they are starting with the initial level.

1. Conversational level – You have the give and take whereby you get to know the player and he/she learns you as well. You demonstrate you care. Use this the most.

2. Encouragement level – Voice is animated and enthusiastic. Use it as much as you can, but it has to be a result of real achievement, not just blowing smoke. But the worst person to be with is the one you simply cannot please. Be real.

3. Instructional level – Voice is slightly animated as you attempt to pass on teaching points that may help your player get better, or that may help him understand the team concept. Use often, but mostly in practice or in certain 1-1 situations.
4. Correctional level – Voice increases somewhat in urgency, but this is not to be confused with screaming. Naturally, this is used on important issues in practices and games to help eliminate errors. Use it as needed, but if it overwhelms the encouragement level, the team will tune you out sooner than later.

5. “Go Nuts” level – Yes, there is a place for letting them know that they have crossed the line in terms of lack of effort or execution or attitude, etc. They must know you really care about certain issues. But, of course you must maintain control here, as it should be a purposeful act. Overdo this level and you will lose your team by Christmas unless you are winning every game.

We have a new basketball coaching contributor in Mark Chapman He is doing an excellent job in providing basketball coaching clinic notes, basketball drills, and basketball plays. He is the Head Boy’s Basketball Coach at Hamilton Township High School in Columbus, Ohio. I think that you will enjoy these basketball clinic notes on the Coaching by Del Harris Part 2.

Del Harris

Follow Coach Mark Chapman on Twitter!!!

Click on the pdf link to download the basketball coaching clinic notes:

Coaching by Del Harris Part 2

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