Who is Who?
Coach Nagy is the Wright University Head Coach. His practice plans –just like any college team’s practice plans– are of top quality. American college teams are the place where new practices are evolved. They are the place where the best physically athletes are available. Therefore, in the NCAA teams you will find the most innovative drills and plays. This is the matrix where new knowledge is born. And this is the place you should look for the latest best practices. Recently Championship Productions released his DVD: Scott Nagy Scoring Systems.
Why Now?
With all of us looking for scoring drills and practice workouts coach Steve Nagy’s Scroring Systems for Creating High Quality Practices basketball coaching DVD is a must-have for everyone’s virtual library. In it Steve Nagy presents the best offensive drills that he utilizes to teach his players how to attack the rim. He also shows the drills that he implements to show his players which shots to prevent. Coach Nagy will show you how to take advantage of your offensive and defensive ratios. He will show you how to organize your practice with these in mind. He will also show you how to use your practice recordings to improve your future practices.
How to…
Have been watching the Euroleague Final Four this year, and I’ve seen that Europe’s best coaches utilize plays to get their players to the foul line. In Steve Nagy Scoring Systems DVD you will find the drills coach Nagy uses to bring his players to the line. And you will see all these implemented in coach Nagy’s team practice. You will get a ton of ideas on how to enrich your own team’s practice. I can ensure you that this is a great source of information for all coaches and teams of all levels. Remember that college teams’ coaches are the future NBA champions. Remember also that the best European coaches get their drills and plays from the NCAA practice workouts. Check the excerpt below:
What’s inside?
This is a 44 minutes, 2016 production, fulll of top-notch basketball coaching information. No fluff, no useless talking! 44 minutes full of drills and workouts that can skyrocket your team practice. There is no other way to improve your practice. Basketball coaching DVDs and Basketball Playbooks are the best source of information that you can use to reflect on your own practice, enrich it and get the best out of your player’s experience. They are also a great way to teach your players the basics of basketball.